Congratulations to Kelleen Rosebaugh for being named Nebraska German teacher of the year and to Ashton Kruger for receiving the New World Language Teacher of the Year award. Both were honored at NILA. Ashton teaches at Lincoln East and Kelleen teaches at Lincoln Southeast and Schoo Middle School.
Our fall meeting will be Sunday, December 8 at 11:00 at Millard North High School. Following the meeting, members will go to the German-American Society Christmas event.
Congratulations to the following schools for their murals for German Week:
1st place--Lincoln North Star (Yulia Evans)
2nd place--Bellevue West High School (Amanda Messerschmitt)
3rd place--Bellevue East High School (Rae Fahrlander)
National German Exam registration is now open. Kellye Deane at Gretna High School is Nebraska's testing chair. Test runs through January 26.
German Convention will be March 29, 2025 at UNO. Thanks to Dr. Cliver for volunteering to host.
Check out the new page "Student opportunities" in the more tab at the top!
Be sure to like our "AATG Nebraska" page on Facebook.
2024 officers! President-Wendy Brennan, Millard North
President-Elect Rae Fahrlander, Bellevue East
Secretary-treasurer Kelleen Rosebaugh, Lincoln SE
AATG Testing chair Kellye Deane, Gretna HS
Past-President Trinia Perigo, Columbus HS
Why join AATG???
Omaha Stammtisch opportunity--all are invited to join us. We're trying to meet once a month on Friday afternoons at various locations.
A Lincoln Stammtisch is also available on Sunday afternoons.
A German Literature meet-up discusses a German short story online on alternate weeks. Search Omaha Meet-Up for information and contact info or contact Pat Branson ([email protected])
A Lincoln Stammtisch is also available on Sunday afternoons.
A German Literature meet-up discusses a German short story online on alternate weeks. Search Omaha Meet-Up for information and contact info or contact Pat Branson ([email protected])
German Students'
Chapter InformationChapter Officers
Past-President: Trinia Perigo President : Wendy Brennan President-elect Rae Fahrlander Secretary/Treasurer: Kelleen Rosebaugh Testing Chairperson: Kellye Deane Awards Chairperson: TBD Scholarship Chairperson: TBD NASG Chairpersons: Wendy Brennan Webmaster: Pat Branson Why join AATG? When you are a member of AATG, you are AUTOMATICALLY a member of our Nebraska chapter. Nebraska German teachers stick together and are available to help when needed. Our Nebraska chapter meets at least twice a year. Nebraska AATG hosts the State German Students' Convention, hosts an awards tea for students who score well on the AATG National Exam. Omaha-area German teachers meet regularly for Stammtisch. A group of retired German teachers now also meets regularly. |
Chapter Info & Projects |